
OmniChat ‑ ChatGPT AI Chatbot

Load store information and enable an AI ChatBot with one click. Powered by Advanced AI: GPT.

πŸš€ Do you need to export any Shopify store in minutes to a CSV file?
You can open it in Excel or Google Sheets for analysis, or import it into another Shopify store.
Tested with time, robust, and reliable. Install the Shopify Spy browser extension now.
App IDomnichat-live-ai-chatbot
Vendor IDjincheng-zhang
Launched08 September 2023
CategoriesChat Recommended products
Avg rating3
Total reviews1

Benefits of OmniChat ‑ ChatGPT AI Chatbot

Seamless Integration: Just two clicks and youβ€˜re ready to go!
Powered by Advanced AI: Utilizing the cutting-edge capabilities of GPT
Powerful AI ChatBot that recommends products like human

About OmniChat ‑ ChatGPT AI Chatbot

Introducing our Shopify app: effortlessly integrate store data into an advanced AI ChatBot with just one click. Powered by the leading GPT technology, our ChatBot intelligently interacts with customers, recommending products tailored to their preferences. We aim to optimize customer engagement and elevate your eCommerce experience. Join us to redefine online shopping for your audience.

Detailed product recommendations

Detailed product recommendations

Easy 2-Click Setup

Easy 2-Click Setup

Full demo overview screenshot

Full demo overview screenshot