
Web Push ‑ Free Abandoned Cart

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App IDonesignal
Vendor IDonesignal-development
Launched29 April 2020
CategoriesAbandoned cart Offline marketing
Avg rating4.7
Total reviews21

Benefits of Web Push ‑ Free Abandoned Cart

About Web Push ‑ Free Abandoned Cart

OneSignal - Web Push Notifications to Drive Sales

OneSignal’s custom web push notifications connect you with your customers. Send personalized notifications directly to your visitor’s desktop or browsers. Segment and target users based on country, language, cart status, when they were last active on your site, and more! Convert visitors into customers, and customers into repeat customers with OneSignal.

#Recover Abandoned Carts Protect your store from cart abandonment and recover lost…

Abandoned Cart Notification Setup

Abandoned Cart Notification Setup

Click and Revenue Analytics

Click and Revenue Analytics

Sending a Campaign

Sending a Campaign