
Ontrack Analytics & Conversion

See where you are losing money and sales. Identify drop-offs and opportunities for growth.

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You can open it in Excel or Google Sheets for analysis, or import it into another Shopify store.
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App IDontrack
Vendor IDontrack-digital
Launched25 May 2020
CategoriesCustomer analytics Marketing analytics
Avg rating4.8
Total reviews5

Benefits of Ontrack Analytics & Conversion

See where you're losing money. Know what's working and what's not on your store
Identify growth opportunities. See where you could be making more sales
Increase your ROAS through conversion rate optimization. Just let us do the work

About Ontrack Analytics & Conversion

The app you were waiting for when it comes to CRO. It’s like your own personal conversion optimization buddy. The Ontrack Analytics App creates buyer personas and conversion segments to help you spend your marketing budget as smart and efficiently as possible. It analyses the data down by age, gender, devices, traffic sources, and many more so you can spend less on analyzing data and more on scaling your online store.

Analyze ALL your traffic sources in a single place.

Dashboard - all your analytics in one place

Dashboard - all your analytics in one place

Traffic Sources report - see what converts

Traffic Sources report - see what converts

Buyer personas report - see your users in action

Buyer personas report - see your users in action