
Open Text AI

Edit product titles and descriptions in bulk, optimizing them for SEO using AI

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App IDopen-text-ai
Vendor IDkelivon-llc
Launched25 May 2023
CategoriesBulk editor
Avg rating0
Total reviews0

Benefits of Open Text AI

AI-powered text generation for high-quality product titles and descriptions
Multilingual support enables merchants to target a global audience
Simple and intuitive user interface, making it easy for anyone to get started
Optimize results for your business with expert-selected OpenAI models

About Open Text AI

Open Text AI can significantly benefit businesses of all sizes that sell products online. One of the biggest challenges for online merchants is creating effective product titles and descriptions that can attract potential customers and drive sales. Poorly written or repetitive titles and descriptions can negatively impact the customer’s buying decision. With Open Text AI, merchants can easily and quickly generate their product titles and descriptions, resulting in higher-quality listings.

Customization options

Customization options

Supercharged SEO

Supercharged SEO

Transform your product titles and descriptions

Transform your product titles and descriptions