ORCA Analytics & MA Service

Analyze consumer purchasing behavior to bring high profits.

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App IDorca
Vendor ID13416
Launched20 December 2023
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Total reviews0

Benefits of ORCA Analytics & MA Service

Market Summary: View LRFM and behavior metrics such as penetration rate and AOV.
Overlapping:Analyze sales of two products to plan bundling marketing activities.
Switching: Compare churn and retention rates to inform product development plans
Relative: Suggest relevant products to customers using product group correlation
Leverage first-party data to send the right message at the right time.

About ORCA Analytics & MA Service

As an e-commerce operator, are you facing rising ad costs, declining traffic, relying solely on loyalty cards, or planning marketing by intuition? In the big data era, precise segmentation is essential. ORCA analyzes customer behavior, building LRFM models and segments. It calculates key metrics and finds the best product bundling, high-value customers, and conversion opportunities. Combined with ORCA MA+, use first-party data for personalized marketing, delivering timely, relevant content.



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