
Order Confirmation Robo Calls

Send automated order confirmation calls to your customers within Pakistan.

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App IDorder-confirmation-robo-calls
Vendor IDh3-technologies
Launched28 December 2023
CategoriesPhone support
Avg rating5
Total reviews1

Benefits of Order Confirmation Robo Calls

About Order Confirmation Robo Calls

Streamline order verification with our app! Automated Robocalls swiftly reach customers, who confirm with 1, cancel with 2, or ask for a callback with 3. Pick the default or your personalized voiceover for a unique touch. It’s not just convenient; it also cuts the order return ratio and makes sure orders are real. Easily schedule follow-up calls when the initial call is not answered, set up break hours, and enjoy a smooth confirmation process that builds trust.

Easily track order status & reports on user friendly dashboard.

Easily track order status & reports on user friendly dashboard.



Order Status Logs

Order Status Logs