Order Deadline

Estimated delivery dates made easy! Accurate, real-time shipping & delivery dates with countdown.

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App IDorder-deadline
Vendor IDdeveloper-91107a5ea1a3b166
Launched04 August 2016
CategoriesCountdown timer Delivery and pickup
Avg rating4.9
Total reviews138

Benefits of Order Deadline

Estimated delivery such as "Want it tomorrow? Order within 2 hours, 59 minutes"
Set site-wide defaults & override settings by collections, products & variants.
Save calculated dates to customer orders & display them in notification emails.
Optionally create settings targeting customers in specific countries.
Display anywhere on your pages with robust placement settings.

About Order Deadline

Showing an estimated delivery date on product pages helps turn visitors into customers by answering their two biggest questions of “When will I get it?” and “How long do I have left to place my order?”.

Order Deadline solves the challenge of accurate delivery estimates and calculates shipping & delivery dates in real-time based on your settings. Optionally save calculated dates to be displayed within notification emails and used during your order handling processes.

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