
Plex: Delivery Estimation Date

Allows the customer to see an accurate estimation of delivery date before making the purchase.

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App IDorder-delivery-estimation
Vendor IDpleximus
Launched22 July 2020
CategoriesDelivery date Delivery and pickups - Other
Avg rating4.9
Total reviews176

Benefits of Plex: Delivery Estimation Date

About Plex: Delivery Estimation Date

We make ordering system transparent. As per current time customers are very curious about when their orders will be successfully delivered to them. We are offering to merchant that you can give information to customers about when their products will be delivered if they order today. From the app admin, Merchant can set delivery date as their format, language, fonts, color and size with icons. App is allowing to merchant to set different delivery date to each products independently.

Before ordering, We give your customer delivery date

Before ordering, We give your customer delivery date

Easy to setup

Easy to setup

Add days at all once

Add days at all once