
Order Handling Fees

Order Handling Fees captures fixed dollar or percent of sales for POS orders (Example PIF).

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App IDorder-handling-fees-1
Vendor IDesupplychainconnect-com
Launched20 December 2023
Avg rating0
Total reviews0

Benefits of Order Handling Fees

About Order Handling Fees

This app only works for POS. Its designed to capture fees such as the Public Improvement Fee (PIF) charge by local governments. These fees are typically applicable to POS sales and are taxable.

After installing the app, configure fixed amount fees or percentage of cart fees. Then add the tile to your POS handhelds. After adding items to you cart, simply press the tile and it will show you the fees as well as add them to your cart.

The fees can be flagged as taxable or not.

Fee Config

Fee Config

Sku Setup

Sku Setup

Sku Setup

Sku Setup