
OTP on cart

Validate customer's cart via OTP (One time password). Authenticate customers visiting your website.

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App IDotp-on-cart
Vendor IDwebkul
Launched04 April 2017
CategoriesCart modification
Avg rating1.6
Total reviews11

Benefits of OTP on cart

About OTP on cart

With OTP on Cart App you can get the Cart validated through OTP (One Time Password) before proceeding towards Checkout. Twilio SMS OR MSG91 SMS engine is integrated to ensure that the OTP is sent to customers’ contact number.

In the configuration section enter Twilio/MSG91 Account Credentials and token keys to activate Twilio/MSG91 for sending SMS.

Please note for this you are required to have a Twilio/msg91 account. Here we just provide the integration of Twilio/msg91

otp on cart

otp on cart

cart page

cart page

otp on cart label configuration

otp on cart label configuration