
OutfitXR ‑ Virtual Try On

Revolutionize fashion retail with our 3D virtual fitting room app, boosting sales and reduce returns

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App IDoutfitxr
Vendor IDoutfitxr
Launched02 February 2024
Avg rating0
Total reviews0

Benefits of OutfitXR ‑ Virtual Try On

About OutfitXR ‑ Virtual Try On

Elevate your store with our OutfitXR-powered virtual fitting room. Mix and match pieces to design outfits on avatars, customizable or preset. Experience realistic try-ons with Unreal Engine technology, enhancing customer engagement and sales while reducing returns. View outfits in various settings, get accurate sizing advice, and create virtual garments. Stand out in the e-commerce landscape!

Virtual Try on Clothing

Virtual Try on Clothing

Create your own Virtual Garments

Create your own Virtual Garments

Customize Your Fitting Room

Customize Your Fitting Room