Paga con Rappi

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App IDpagaconrappi
Vendor IDpaga-con-rappi2
Launched20 July 2022
CategoriesPricing - Other
Avg rating5
Total reviews1

Benefits of Paga con Rappi

About Paga con Rappi

Paga con Rappi is a frictionless payment system that tethers Rappi’s seamless purchase experience for external e-commerces, allowing users to buy in one click, improving the end-user experience when shopping online, and making it easier to pay.

The main advantages of Paga con Rappi are that for users, you do not need usernames or passwords, you do not need to fill out long forms or go for your credit card every time you want to buy something online. We simply use the information Rappi…

Your users pay only with their cell phone number

Your users pay only with their cell phone number

Robust admin panel

Robust admin panel

Make your customers pay in one click

Make your customers pay in one click