
Payflow: COD & Payment rules

Integrate COD with fee. Customize Payment & Delivery methods: hide, rename, and reorder as needed

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App IDpayflow
Vendor IDadam-charvat
Launched13 December 2023
CategoriesCart modification Cash/collect on delivery (COD)
Avg rating5
Total reviews26

Benefits of Payflow: COD & Payment rules

About Payflow: COD & Payment rules

Experience a hassle-free Cash on Delivery (COD) with added fee solution for your business. No post-purchase order edits necessary. Enjoy a seamless checkout experience, ensuring simplicity and efficiency without customer confusion or fulfillment service issues. Optimize payment and delivery methods by strategically hiding, renaming, or reordering based on a set of conditions. Our advanced condition tool allows the effortless integration of multiple rules into one.

Payflow - Best integration for COD fee with delivery methods

Payflow - Best integration for COD fee with delivery methods

Payflow - Combine all rules into single checkout customization

Payflow - Combine all rules into single checkout customization

Payflow - Hide payment & delivery methods based on conditions

Payflow - Hide payment & delivery methods based on conditions