
PayLoc Master

Delivery zone control for stores allow or block based on countries, states, or pincodes/zipcodes.

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App IDpayloc-master
Vendor IDstc-labs
Launched13 November 2023
CategoriesManaging orders - Other
Avg rating0
Total reviews0

Benefits of PayLoc Master

About PayLoc Master

Efficiently manage your business and delivery operations with our Shopify Plus app, PayLoc Master! Easily control delivery zones by specifying countries, states, or pincodes/zipcodes. Block or limit deliveries effortlessly in specific regions. Inputting pincodes/zipcodes is simple—use comma-separated codes or upload a CSV file. Elevate efficiency with customized checkout messages for restricted areas. Transform your store’s delivery management with PayLoc Master!

PayLoc Master

PayLoc Master

Delivery Block

Delivery Block

RealTime Decision Making

RealTime Decision Making