

WhatsApp marketing and sales platform for brands

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App IDpeach
Vendor IDgumstack-inc
Launched23 June 2023
CategoriesDirect marketing - Other
Avg rating0
Total reviews0

Benefits of Peach

About Peach

Peach lets you grow your business on WhatsApp.

Build your audience on WhatsApp. Allow your customers to subscribe or unsubscribe to your marketing communication.

Create stunning content and get them delivered to directly to your subscribers on WhatsApp.

Support your customers on WhatsApp. Shared Inbox allows your team to respond to customer queries on a shared WhatsApp Business Platform number.

Automate customer journeys and enhance your customers’ shopping & post-purchase experiences.

Shared Inbox

Shared Inbox

Newsetters on WhatsApp

Newsetters on WhatsApp

Campaign Stats

Campaign Stats