
Pickup Delivery Date ‑LetmePro

Easily select in-store pickups or schedule deliveries at customers' preferred date and time.

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App IDpickup-at-store-letme-pro
Vendor IDletme-pro
Launched20 October 2023
CategoriesIn-store pickups Delivery date
Avg rating5
Total reviews10

Benefits of Pickup Delivery Date ‑LetmePro

About Pickup Delivery Date ‑LetmePro

Enhance your delivery options with a variety of convenient shipping choices! Your customers can now effortlessly opt for in-store pickups or schedule deliveries on their preferred date and time. Plus, you have full control via a user-friendly, feature-packed dashboard for extensive customization. You can even tailor pickup times for each store individually and set order limits per time slot or day. This app is essential for grocery stores, florists, bakeries, and all delivery-based businesses.

Add pickup date and time picker

Add pickup date and time picker

Disable holidays or unavailable dates with blockout dates.

Disable holidays or unavailable dates with blockout dates.

Easy customize the template

Easy customize the template