
Playwright Script Generator

Create powerful checkout scripts without writing code. Optimize your conversion rates.

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App IDplaywright-v2
Vendor IDplaywright
Launched24 June 2021
CategoriesDiscounts Page enhancements - Other
Avg rating3.6
Total reviews9

Benefits of Playwright Script Generator

Combine and stack complex discount rules specific to the needs of your store.
Ready-to-use templates for Line Item, Payment and Shipping scripts.
No coding required. Use a simple-to-use visual interface to create your scripts

About Playwright Script Generator

Elevate your checkout experience and increase conversion rates with our powerful, easy-to-use script builder for Shopify Plus stores. No coding or development skills needed. Customize discounts, promotions, and pricing to match the unique needs of your store using our user-friendly Shopify Admin interface. Take advantage of our extensive library of pre-built templates and be up and running in minutes. Say goodbye to coding headaches and hello to increased conversions and sales.

Choose from a variety of templates

Choose from a variety of templates

Customize the rule to your needs

Customize the rule to your needs

Combine and stack multiple discounts and rules

Combine and stack multiple discounts and rules