Plug in Speed

Raise conversion rates with Plug in Speed: Website Image & code optimizer and page speed booster.

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You can open it in Excel or Google Sheets for analysis, or import it into another Shopify store.
Tested with time, robust, and reliable. Install the Shopify Spy browser extension now.
App IDplug-in-speed
Vendor IDpluginseo
Launched26 March 2018
CategoriesSEO Image compression Image optimization Speed analysis
Avg rating4.1
Total reviews91

Benefits of Plug in Speed

Speed improvement tracking dashboard & assessment metrics e.g. average load time
Reduce image size but maintain quality with lossy or lossless compression
Latest Google image & code optimization, comparison tool, 30-day backups
Theme-level CSS & JavaScript optimization with minification and inline
Minimal ongoing maintenance, new images automatically optimized

About Plug in Speed

For better SEO resulting in higher conversions, you need a fast-loading store with optimized code. Our automatic image optimizer set-up takes just 1 click – reduce product and other image type sizes but keeps the quality. Automatically compress & minify store theme code with CSS/JavaScript, no coding needed.

Personalized dashboard displaying key speed metrics

Personalized dashboard displaying key speed metrics

Detailed list of optimized images with an option to edit

Detailed list of optimized images with an option to edit

Code optimization setup with advanced settings

Code optimization setup with advanced settings