

Popseekl is where new generations shop from the hottest brands and creators around the globe.

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App IDpopseekl-channel
Vendor IDpopseekl2
Launched10 October 2023
CategoriesOnline marketplaces
Avg rating0
Total reviews0

Benefits of Popseekl

About Popseekl

Popseekl offers a curated selection of emerging brands and designers, matching them with our community of fashion enthusiasts via creators’ recommendations. The mobile app enhances the shopping experience with gamified interactions, shoppable videos & collections, live chats, and much more. With our Shopify app, brands and retailers can easily sync their Shopify store with Popseekl, showcasing their products and collections to a relevant audience.

Join the coolest brands and creators

Join the coolest brands and creators

Sync your store seamlessly

Sync your store seamlessly

Reach a new generation of buyers

Reach a new generation of buyers