
PostNL, UPS & DHL pickup point

Let your customers select PostNL, UPS & DHL pick up locations. Works with every price plan.

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App IDpostnl-dhl-afhaalpunt
Vendor IDzifera
Launched28 April 2023
CategoriesShipping rate calculator
Avg rating5
Total reviews2

Benefits of PostNL, UPS & DHL pickup point

About PostNL, UPS & DHL pickup point

Let your customers select PostNL, UPS & DHL pick up locations. Works with every Shopify pricing plan (Lite, Standard, Advanced and Plus).

Using a simple word filter you can select the shipping rate for which you would like to show the pick up point selector widget. After completing the checkout, your customer can select the pick up point on the thank you page. The data is stored on an order metafield in your Shopoify admin panel. You can also connect the app with your fulfilment party.

PostNL and DHL pick up point settings

PostNL and DHL pick up point settings

PostNL and DHL pick up point checkout

PostNL and DHL pick up point checkout

PostNL and DHL pick up point select

PostNL and DHL pick up point select