
POWR: FAQ & Help Center

Easy-to-customize Product FAQ Help Center. Answer questions to improve sales & reduce support calls.

🚀 Do you need to export any Shopify store in minutes to a CSV file?
You can open it in Excel or Google Sheets for analysis, or import it into another Shopify store.
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App IDpowr-faq
Vendor IDpowr-io
Launched08 January 2016
Avg rating4.6
Total reviews233

Benefits of POWR: FAQ & Help Center

About POWR: FAQ & Help Center

Maximize customer support and sales with the POWR Product FAQ Help Center. Easily create SEO-optimized FAQ for product descriptions that match your brand’s style—no coding required! Answering common product questions directly on your product page results in quicker sales while reducing support tickets. For example, answer questions regarding shipping details and return policies directly in your store. Elevate your customer experience with our easy-to-use, feature-rich FAQ tool.

Easily customize your layout, elements, colors, and fonts.

Easily customize your layout, elements, colors, and fonts.

Answer common questions with text, links, images, and videos.

Answer common questions with text, links, images, and videos.

FAQs are responsive on Desktop, Tablet, & Mobile Screens.

FAQs are responsive on Desktop, Tablet, & Mobile Screens.