
POWR Customer Reviews +Ratings

Collect & display customer reviews + star ratings of your products on multiple pages to build trust.

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App IDpowr-photo-editor
Vendor IDpowr-io
Launched05 August 2014
CategoriesProduct reviews
Avg rating5
Total reviews11

Benefits of POWR Customer Reviews +Ratings

Instant email alerts - Know immediately when someone leaves a review.
Require approval before posting live reviews
Display control - arrange reviews by newest, oldest or popularity
Allow images to be added to reviews
Add an automated personalized thank you message after leaving a review

About POWR Customer Reviews +Ratings

People buy from businesses they believe they can trust. Nothing accomplishes that better than displaying positive reviews from past customers.

Gain and display valuable social proof from this user-generated content (UGC). Boost customer loyalty, and increase your sales and overall average order value.

You can use insights from customer testimonials, comments, and reviews to improve the flow and function of your online store or website.

POWR Product Reviews is supported in any language.

Customize your reviews & ratings app to match your brand style.

Customize your reviews & ratings app to match your brand style.

Get instant email notifications for each new review.

Get instant email notifications for each new review.

Product reviews are responsive on mobile, desktop and tablet.

Product reviews are responsive on mobile, desktop and tablet.