
POWRful Customer Testimonials

Collect & embed customer testimonials and reviews, with images & video, for better social proof.

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App IDpowr-testimonials
Vendor IDpowr-io
Launched16 July 2014
CategoriesProduct reviews Images and media - Other
Avg rating4
Total reviews37

Benefits of POWRful Customer Testimonials

Carousels, Grid layout, Media galleries, Photo reviews, Testimonials, Video reviews
Automations, Custom requests, Email requests, Promotions

About POWRful Customer Testimonials

Customer testimonials help new shoppers see past experiences of what other happy customers have had with your products and services. It helps gain their trust. Showing these satisfied customer reviews as social proof is a great way to bring in new business. With eye-catching testimonials on your store, you give visible social proof of the benefits of your product or service, and you will see a boost in sales and referrals as a result. You can use screenshots, videos, or other media.

Create multiple sliders for all your needs.

Create multiple sliders for all your needs.

Customize your layout, elements, colors and fonts.

Customize your layout, elements, colors and fonts.

Testimonials are responsive on all connected devices.

Testimonials are responsive on all connected devices.