
Predflow: AI Growth Assistant

AI-led Growth Recommendations & Insights. Boost sales, increase AOV, and achieve superior retention.

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App IDpredflow
Vendor IDpredflow-analytics
Launched14 February 2024
CategoriesUpselling and cross-selling Recommended products
Avg rating0
Total reviews0

Benefits of Predflow: AI Growth Assistant

About Predflow: AI Growth Assistant

Predflow is a one of a kind platform that empowers SMBs with the true potential of Data Science.

Its AI recommendation engine constantly observes your customer’s browsing and buying patterns, and churns automated segments to address different goals - increasing orders, AOV, engagement or absolutely anything else you might like.

Know which customer is ready for repurchase, for which product/collection, at what discount, & through which channel. Simply reach out and watch the orders flow in.

Goal-wise Segment Recommendations

Goal-wise Segment Recommendations

Segment Attributes

Segment Attributes

Segment Insights

Segment Insights