Prepayify Personalised Orders

Hide payment methods like COD to for personalised orders like engravings, printing, etc.

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App IDprepayify-personalised-orders
Vendor IDnayaabkhan-akhtar-ul-iman-khan
Launched04 November 2024
CategoriesCart customization Custom rules Payment method rules Checkout - Other
Avg rating5
Total reviews1

Benefits of Prepayify Personalised Orders

Easily configure the payment method to hide
Hide the payment method based on line property name and value
Create multiple payment method rules

About Prepayify Personalised Orders

Keep COD for general orders and hide it for personalised orders to reduce returns, cancellations, and dead stock.

Ideal for merchants offering custom items like engravings, embroidery, or made-to-order products, this app ensures that customers can only select payment methods that match your fulfilment needs.

Hide cash on delivery for customised orders

Hide cash on delivery for customised orders

Make rules based on customisation name and value

Make rules based on customisation name and value

Add multiple rules

Add multiple rules