PrettyDamnQuick (PDQ)

Optimize checkout and delivery with PrettyDamnQuick – boost AOV, conversions, and profits.

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Benefits of PrettyDamnQuick (PDQ)

Real-time, customizable delivery promises to reduce cart abandonment
Advanced A/B testing and segmentation to optimize checkout performance
Add-ons like tracking pages, shipping protection, CS integrations, and more

About PrettyDamnQuick (PDQ)

PDQ is the all-in-one checkout, fulfillment, and shipping optimization platform designed for Shopify merchants.

With advanced A/B testing, segmented shipping options, live rate shopping, and geofencing, PDQ enables merchants to provide a tailored, data-driven checkout-to-delivery experience.

Boost conversion with proven industry optimizations, fulfill quickly (in-house or 3PL), ship for less, and deliver as promised.

How it works

How it works



Proactive delivery

Proactive delivery