Price it ‑ Make an offer

Price it ‑ Make an offer allows your customers to to suggest their own prices for your products.

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App IDprice-it-make-an-offer
Vendor IDtravex-digital
Launched06 April 2020
CategoriesDiscounts Pricing optimization
Avg rating1
Total reviews2

Benefits of Price it ‑ Make an offer

Quickly add the "Make an Offer" button to your product pages without any coding
Define minimum and maximum price limits for each product
Offers meeting your criteria are instantly approved and applied
Set different price rules for individual products, categories, or collections
Create a shopping experience that increases customer satisfaction and sales

About Price it ‑ Make an offer

Price it ‑ Make an offer transforms the traditional e-commerce model by putting the power in your customers’ hands. With a simple interface, customers can submit their desired price for any product. If their offer falls within the predefined price range, they automatically receive a personal discount, creating a win-win situation for both you and your customers.

Our app is designed to be user-friendly and flexible, allowing you to set custom price bracket or each product or category.

Set up the rules

Set up the rules

Watch statistics

Watch statistics

Increase sales by offering the best price

Increase sales by offering the best price