
Prime Swatches

Prime Swatches: Link Products into Groups and display Color Swatches

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App IDprime-swatches
Vendor IDprime-commerce
Launched09 August 2023
CategoriesColor swatches
Avg rating4.4
Total reviews7

Benefits of Prime Swatches

About Prime Swatches

Introducing Prime Swatches, the app that redefines product displays. Link similar products within your store and improve user experience. With Prime Swatches you can create product relations within your store and display color swatches that make it easier than ever to navigate between similar products.

Prime Swatches multiple product subgroups creation

Prime Swatches multiple product subgroups creation

Prime Swatches multiple color swatch display options

Prime Swatches multiple color swatch display options

Prime Swatches fully responsive color swatches

Prime Swatches fully responsive color swatches