Privacy Policy

Your privacy is important to us. The purpose of this Privacy Policy is to assist you in understanding the purposes for which we collect, use, disclose the information or data you have provided to us or we obtain through the Extension. We are committed to protecting your privacy. Please take a moment to familiarize yourself with our privacy practices. We uses and makes all attempts to protect all information when you use our Extension. If you do not agree to this Privacy Policy, please do not use our Extension. We reserve the right to make changes to this Privacy Policy. If we make a material change to this Privacy Policy, we will notify you by posting the change in this Privacy Policy. Please check back from time to time to ensure that you are aware of these changes. Your continued use of the Service will be deemed to be your acceptance of these changes. The use of any terms such as, “We”, “Our”, “Us” “it’s” etc., in this “Privacy Policy” will deemed to be the representation of our Extensions. Also use of any term such as, “You”, “Your”, “They”, “Their” etc. will deem to be representation of users of our Extensions.

Information We Collect:

We do not collect personal information. Our server collects statistical data as every server - IP, OS type, Browser type, language etc. We use the server statistics only for statistical purposes. If you purchase our product(s) or service(s) - we will use your personal information only for communication purposes. Our systems also may collect information about your operating system, IP address and anonymous usage data so we can deliver a better experience. We do not sell, trade, or rent Users personal identification information to others.

Non-personal Data

In this Privacy Policy, “non-personal data” means information that does not directly identify the user. Additionally, non-personal data means “aggregate” and “depersonalized” information, which is data extensions collect about the use of extension users, from which any personally identifiable data has been removed. We do not disclose any non-personal information to anyone outside our company. While using this Extension, the Chrome Extension Store may use cookies, unique device identifier codes, software and hardware information, browser information, time zone and usage information or other technology to collect and process the information about you, and we may have access to it. We have no control over the Chrome Extension Store’s collection or use of information and cannot change what information is made available to us by the Chrome Extension Store.

Children’s Online Privacy Protection

We take children’s privacy seriously. Our Extension complies with the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act of the local territory of every user. We don’t collect any personal information from the children. We will not collect, store or use any personal information in any way from the children.

Cookies Policy:

Our extensions do not use any cookies directly to collect or store any information.

Software (Software Extensions, Extensions etc.):

We don’t collect any personal information in our Extension or software. You can visit our extension using Chrome Extension store. We never collect any personal data. All saved data are saved in your local storage and is only synced with your chrome browser. We never see this data.

Information we may Disclose:

In the following circumstances, we may disclose your information according to your wish or regulations by law: Your prior permission. By the application of law within or outside your country of residence, legal process, litigation requests. By requests from public and governmental authorities. To protect our legal rights and interests. To secure the information against unauthorized access or disclosure we take all the reasonable steps. In no event, we do not sell trade, rent or otherwise transfer your any identifiable information to any third parties except the above circumstances.

Third Parties Access to Information:

We do not serve any third party advertisements, Our extensions only available via Chrome Extension Store. We do not share information collected from our user’s activity to third parties.

Our extension may have external links such as link of our website. These links are only available on the title screen and/or in the description or about section.


We take all reasonable and necessary steps to protect the information provided by you from unauthorized access. We follow generally accepted industry standards to protect your information obtained by us. However, no method of transmission over the Internet, or method of electronic storage, is 100% secure. Therefore, all History data we collect from you, which may store locally using “Indexed DB” technology. It is not encrypted. And storing and sending cloud items covered by Chrome Sync Storage technology, we just use public API to this technology.

Governing Law and Jurisdiction:

This Privacy Policy and its interpretation and operation are governed solely by the law of your local territory. We and each user may submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the local territory of the users.


To add, change, update, or modify this Privacy Policy we reserve full right, at any time, simply by posting such change, update, or modification on the Extension and without any prior notice to you. Any such change, update, or modification will be effective immediately upon posting on the Site. It is your responsibility to review this Policy from time to time to ensure that you continue to agree with all of its policies.

Acceptance of This Policy

By using the our Extension, you authorize your acceptance to this Privacy Policy. If you do not agree to this policy, please do not use our Extension. Your continuous use of this Extension will be deemed to be your acceptance of any changes to this Privacy Policy.

Contact Us

If you have any suggestion, opinions or questions regarding the Privacy Policy, you may contact us at any time.