
Unlimited Bundles & Discounts

Bundle products together with discounts to boost sales. Sell More and Better with Discounts!

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App IDproduct-bundles-discounts-by-revy
Vendor IDrevy-apps
Launched19 October 2018
CategoriesDiscounts Wholesale pricing
Avg rating4.8
Total reviews2072

Benefits of Unlimited Bundles & Discounts

BOGO, Checkout discounts, Cross-sell discounts, Custom discounts, Discount codes, Dynamic pricing, Fixed pricing, Percentage discounts, Product bundles, Quantity breaks, Tiered pricing, Volume discounts
Analytics, Currency conversion, Custom code, Discount stacking, Editor tool, Targeting, Templates, Tracking

About Unlimited Bundles & Discounts

Who are you?

Are you a beginner? No problems, installation & display happen automatically! Are you a pro? We do have API’s that allow deep integration within your theme.

What do we do?

We offer simple & powerful product bundles/combos with discounts, set up discounted bundles that are highly customizable and don’t require manual coding.


Buy product A + product B and get 10% OFF Buy 2 product A and get 5% OFF, buy 3 and get 10%, buy 5 and get 20% Buy 2 product A + 1 product B by $5

Bundling products together for a Automatic Discount.

Bundling products together for a Automatic Discount.

Manage your Bundles efficiently using our friendly interface.

Manage your Bundles efficiently using our friendly interface.

Available Tiered Pricing, Volume, Quantity Discount Bundle type

Available Tiered Pricing, Volume, Quantity Discount Bundle type