GeoStock Inventory By Location

Show inventory by location. Use Geolocation to block customers by country.

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App IDproduct-inventory-information
Vendor IDgs-interactive-s-r-o
Launched28 March 2019
CategoriesStock alerts
Avg rating4.3
Total reviews76

Benefits of GeoStock Inventory By Location

Display Inventory by location on product or cart pages.
Use Geolocation to block customers by country.
Show only relevant inventory based on the customer's location

About GeoStock Inventory By Location

Get more traffic to your store by displaying your inventory by location on the product and cart pages. Customize your selling experience by creating a blacklist or whitelist of customers from specific countries, giving you total control over who can place an order.

Inventory location Settings in the Backend

Inventory location Settings in the Backend

Display Settings

Display Settings

Country Excluding

Country Excluding