Countify ‑ Sales Insights

Track and display total sales directly on product pages

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You can open it in Excel or Google Sheets for analysis, or import it into another Shopify store.
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App IDproduct-sales-counter
Vendor IDhorline-solutions
Launched22 January 2025
CategoriesSocial proof Sales count
Avg rating0
Total reviews0

Benefits of Countify ‑ Sales Insights

Show real sales count of product.
Customizable widget for seamless integration into product pages.
Dynamic collections based on product sales count, optimizing product promotions.

About Countify ‑ Sales Insights

This app displays the total sales for each product directly on its page, enabling customers to see how many times an item has been sold.

It helps merchants organize and promote their most-selling products by allowing them to create custom smart collections.

The app also calculates the total number of sales for all current products by syncing and analyzing data from all previous orders, ensuring accurate and up-to-date sales figures.

PSC - Product Sales Counter APP homegae

PSC - Product Sales Counter APP homegae

PSC - Product Sales Counter widget setup

PSC - Product Sales Counter widget setup

PSC - Smart collection based on product sales

PSC - Smart collection based on product sales