
Webkul Product Wishlist

Let your customers create the wishlist, wishlist categories and effectively boost your store sales.

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App IDproduct-wishlist
Vendor IDwebkul
Launched07 November 2016
Avg rating4.8
Total reviews5

Benefits of Webkul Product Wishlist

About Webkul Product Wishlist

Customers can create a Wishlist of all the products they wish to buy on your store. Also, you can enable your Customers to create Wishlist Categories and save respective products in those Categories. The Customer is require to necessarily login in order to access the Wishlist Products added into it. Store Owner can track all the data of the Wishlist created. Store Owner can send Reminder Mails to the Customers to buy the Product(s) added in their Wishlist. Various Wishlist icons are available.

front end view

front end view

dreamlist collection list

dreamlist collection list

dreamlist customer list

dreamlist customer list