
Profit Bidder for Google Ads

Exclude canceled orders and partial returns | Sync profit and audience quality data | Google Ads

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App IDprofit-x
Vendor IDdigital-mozarts4
Launched19 January 2024
CategoriesMarketing analytics
Avg rating5
Total reviews3

Benefits of Profit Bidder for Google Ads

About Profit Bidder for Google Ads

Business grows by acquiring profitable and loyal customers. Marketing campaigns and Ad platforms (Google, FB) focus on revenue - and not on deeper financial and audience quality metrics of net revenue, profit, and retention - resulting in a loss of business value.

Profit X syncs metrics like Net Revenue, Profit, Higher AOV as conversions on Google Ads, allowing you to analyze performance comprehensively. Moreover, you can optimize campaigns on these detailed metrics to enhance business value

Bid on Net Revenue

Bid on Net Revenue

Report Profit, Net Revenue data in any view

Report Profit, Net Revenue data in any view

Intergrate audience quality data, and gain 'Higher AOV'

Intergrate audience quality data, and gain 'Higher AOV'