

Turn customers into advocates with beautiful & impactful referral campaigns anywhere on your website

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App IDprosper
Vendor IDprosper-solutions
Launched14 December 2023
CategoriesPromotions - Other Discounts
Avg rating0
Total reviews0

Benefits of Prosper

About Prosper

Prosper helps Shopify stores turn existing customers and web traffic into a dedicated referral marketing channel. With Prosper it is easy to create, place, and incentivize referrals anywhere on your Shopify store, and consumers can send referrals without ever creating an account or leaving their page. Incentivize shoppers to send referrals with immediate rewards like product discounts or free items, and create promotions for new visitors that come from referrals.

Referrals Easy as 1-2-3 - Prosper

Referrals Easy as 1-2-3 - Prosper

Create and Manage Your Referral Campaign with Prosper

Create and Manage Your Referral Campaign with Prosper

Prosper Referral App

Prosper Referral App