
PulseChat: AI Sales Chatbot

PulseChat: Skyrocket your sales with the latest GPT-4 Powered AI assistant - instantly.

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Tested with time, robust, and reliable. Install the Shopify Spy browser extension now.
App IDpulsechat
Vendor IDjfreaks-software
Launched05 October 2023
CategoriesChat Recommended products
Avg rating5
Total reviews11

Benefits of PulseChat: AI Sales Chatbot

About PulseChat: AI Sales Chatbot

Boost your sales and AOV with PulseChat, the ultimate AI assistant powered by GPT-4. This intelligent chatbot seamlessly replaces human customer service, operating 24/7 in over 100 languages. With effortless integration into your store, itโ€™s ready to offer instant responses, assist with order tracking, provide product recommendations, and handle all other customer queries effortlessly. No more waiting, no more language barriers; just increased sales and happy customers!

track all of your conversations

track all of your conversations

customize your chat to match your brand

customize your chat to match your brand

train & adapt your AI easily

train & adapt your AI easily