
Pushdaddy Push Notifications

Pushdaddy Web Push Notifications for Abandoned Cart Send Promotional messages to boost sales

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App IDpushdaddy-web-push-notification
Vendor IDai-first
Launched12 November 2019
CategoriesPush notifications
Avg rating3.5
Total reviews4

Benefits of Pushdaddy Push Notifications

About Pushdaddy Push Notifications

#Daddy Web Push Notification PushDaddy- Web push notification app for your store PushDaddy works straight out of the box without requiring further setup and will help you with customer retention.

#Recover sales with automated abandoned cart recovery One of the biggest problems faced by merchants is dealing with numerous abandoned carts, which translates to a huge amount lost in potential revenue every year! PushDaddy abandoned cart reminders let you customize a sequence of 3 automated push

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