
QuanticFlow: Email auto 1‑to‑1

Boost Your Growth with AI-Powered Email Automation!

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App IDquanticfy
Vendor IDthe-quantic-factory
Launched21 January 2022
CategoriesMarketing analytics Sales analytics
Avg rating5
Total reviews9

Benefits of QuanticFlow: Email auto 1‑to‑1

About QuanticFlow: Email auto 1‑to‑1

Quantic flow AI supercharges your email strategies, delivering instant enhanced performance. QuanticFlow lets you send ultra-personalized emails thanks to AI.

You’ll be able to : 1- identify and score each visitor to your site 2- send customized emails (context and product recommendations) 3- automatically adapt relational pressure on an individual basis

By talking more effectively to your visitors, you’ll significantly increase conversions. Experience the future of email automation today.

Increasing LTV

Increasing LTV



CRM share

CRM share