
Bulk Discounts Now WOD

Enable Tiered Pricing, Bulk Discount Codes, Quantity Breaks & More Across Collections

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App IDquantity-breaks-now
Vendor IDdeveloper-4a70f89352f3d78b
Launched27 February 2018
CategoriesDiscounts Competitive pricing
Avg rating4.6
Total reviews562

Benefits of Bulk Discounts Now WOD

Bulk discounts, Custom discounts, Discount codes, Fixed pricing, Percentage discounts, Volume discounts
APIs and webhooks, Currency conversion, Tagging, Targeting, Triggers and rules

About Bulk Discounts Now WOD

Bulk Discounts Now helps Shopify promotions with a unique, streamlined approach. Unlock sales by enticing shoppers with discount pricing & volume offers. Unlike typical apps, it’s fully compatible with AJAX carts & Shopify’s native currency converter. More than a mere app, it’s a tailored bulk discount strategy tool. Seamlessly integrates to empower customers with product and collection discounts. Set percentage or fixed discounts without duplicating variants or one-off codes. Add discount today

Quantity break compatible with Ajax carts

Quantity break compatible with Ajax carts

Bulk Discounts Now for Shopify Currency Converter Support

Bulk Discounts Now for Shopify Currency Converter Support

Customize discount table for tiered pricing

Customize discount table for tiered pricing