
Radad Sales Ai‑Chatbot‑GPT

Respond to messages with products that customers are looking for using a ChatGPT AI-powered chatbot.

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App IDradad-sales-ai-chatbot-gpt
Vendor IDsolo-developer
Launched10 April 2023
CategoriesSocial media Chat
Avg rating0
Total reviews0

Benefits of Radad Sales Ai‑Chatbot‑GPT

About Radad Sales Ai‑Chatbot‑GPT

Radad Conversational AI engages with prospective customers through natural-sounding conversations and suggests relevant products based on their interests and preferences.

Radad Conversational AI provides personalized product recommendations from the Shopify e-commerce store database by asking questions about the buyer’s needs.

Providing accurate recommendations during the initial conversation creates a human-like experience, thanks to the latest version of Chat-GPT powering the AI.

Personalize product recommendations according to customer needs.

Personalize product recommendations according to customer needs.

Respond appropriately to customer queries using natural language

Respond appropriately to customer queries using natural language

Increase your sales by recommending the most relevant products.

Increase your sales by recommending the most relevant products.