
Raise the Bar

We replace the default theme preview bar with a feature-rich menu of links and tools.

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App IDraise-the-bar
Vendor IDsoftlimit
Launched01 June 2023
CategoriesStore pages - Other
Avg rating5
Total reviews1

Benefits of Raise the Bar

About Raise the Bar

We make working with unpublished themes a breeze by providing a discreet menu bar of useful links and features. Copy a link to the current page and theme with one click. Open the theme editor for the current template in a new window. Navigate directly to a section in the editor. Switch the theme you’re previewing without going back to the themes page. Display heading tags visually so you can see the flow and order in the document. Display visual alerts for missing alt text on images.

Refresh theme with preview bar theme list menu open

Refresh theme with preview bar theme list menu open

Preview bar heading tags debug tool enabled

Preview bar heading tags debug tool enabled

Preview bar with missing image alt text debug tool enabled

Preview bar with missing image alt text debug tool enabled