Shipping Rates by Zipcode iWeb

Set shipping rates by Zipcode/postal code, cart total price & weight based in your store.

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Benefits of Shipping Rates by Zipcode iWeb

Set shipping rates for different zones based on zip codes or postal codes
Set shipping charge based on multiple shipping rate rules
Set shipping rates for specific shipping zone based on cart total price
With multilanguage support, shipping price will be shown in all languages
Add unlimited shipping zones and zipcodes for adding shipping charges

About Shipping Rates by Zipcode iWeb

Shipping rates by Zipcode will allow you to give your customers different shipping price and fixed shipping rates. You can set custom shipping charge on different shipping rules like price based rates, weight based rates. Customize shipping rates for different shipping zones by adding zip codes/postal codes based on specific conditions and let your customers get a transparent shipping policy from your store. App is only compatible with store plans higher than the Basic plan.

shipping rates base on weight rules

shipping rates base on weight rules

shipping rates base on weight

shipping rates base on weight

shipping rates base on cart price

shipping rates base on cart price