
Resend ‑ Repurchase Reminders

Send repurchase reminders for orders and products. Increase customer engagement and retention.

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App IDrebuyify
Vendor IDminion-made
Launched26 May 2023
CategoriesDirect marketing - Other
Avg rating0
Total reviews0

Benefits of Resend ‑ Repurchase Reminders

About Resend ‑ Repurchase Reminders

Automate retention techniques by prompting previous customers to repurchase previously purchased products. Send reminders based on conditions. Get out in front of customers to re-engage with them and prompt repurchasing on any automated schedule.

From refilling coffee canisters to laundry detergent and everything in between. Before customers sign up for subscriptions, they purchase between 2 to 3 times. Resend helps create additional funnels for customer retention through repurchase prompts.

Take full control of your prompted emails with HTML management.

Take full control of your prompted emails with HTML management.

Product specific emails and custom SMTP options

Product specific emails and custom SMTP options

Track your repurchase message statuses

Track your repurchase message statuses