
Smart Recently Viewed Products

This App will help your customers to review the products that they have seen recently in your store

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App IDrecently-viewed-products-by-zendapps
Vendor IDzendapps
Launched22 December 2017
CategoriesRecently viewed
Avg rating3.2
Total reviews7

Benefits of Smart Recently Viewed Products

Users can review the recently viewed products on the same page
Reduce the shipping time on displaying the recently viewed products.
Most benefit of displaying recently viewed products is increase your sales
Admin can configure the number of products to be displayed on the page.
Admin can show the products in Image Gallery or Slider, Easy to use and install

About Smart Recently Viewed Products

Customer visits the online store to purchase products and finds the best products/she wants. In this comparison normally customer does not open each product in a different tab and the customer faces difficulty to see his recent products in the store. to solve this problem we developed the Recently Viewed Products App. This App will make it easy for customers to return to the products they have searched for late. Users can review the recently viewed products on the same page.

Recently viewed products Image Preview

Recently viewed products Image Preview

Recently viewed products Image Settings

Recently viewed products Image Settings

Recently viewed products Slider Settings

Recently viewed products Slider Settings