
RecurriX subscription payments

Allow buyers to seamlessly buy products-subscription & get discounts, rather than a 1-time purchase

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App IDrecurrix-subscription-payments
Vendor IDdm-consulting-and-digital-advertising
Launched12 December 2023
Avg rating5
Total reviews1

Benefits of RecurriX subscription payments

About RecurriX subscription payments

RecurriX gives merchants the ability to sell subscriptions of items, rather than ‘one-time’ sales, to maximize customer-value, engagement, and to minimize effort retaining repeated-sales and active client-base. Amongst our features you’d find time-interval pre-chosen options, subscription discounts, auto-charging as well as auto-invoicing, and more. Admin panel includes merchant dashboard, end-user panel includes dashboard for watching and managing their subscriptions online.

RecurriX custom time cycles

RecurriX custom time cycles

RecurriX management dashboard

RecurriX management dashboard

RecurriX analytics & reporting

RecurriX analytics & reporting