

The app updates a metafield with a list of references to other products that match on a given value.

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You can open it in Excel or Google Sheets for analysis, or import it into another Shopify store.
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App IDreferencd
Vendor IDeriksens
Launched09 March 2023
Avg rating0
Total reviews0

Benefits of #ProductReference

About #ProductReference

Do you want a given product to reference a list of other products that match on a given value, but do not want to maintain the reference list yourself? In a fashion shop this could e.g. be a reference to products with the same style. Other usages could be grouping products by color or similar. With Referencd you can select which metafield value should group products together (e.g. style), and the app will update and maintain the list of references for each product in another defined metafield.

Define what metafield products are grouped by

Define what metafield products are grouped by

Enable daily sync to keep data updated

Enable daily sync to keep data updated

Enable sync on demand when needed

Enable sync on demand when needed