
Regios Automatic Discounts

Create Special Automatic Product, Order, and Shipping Discounts for Your VIP Customers

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App IDregios-automatic-discounts
Vendor IDregios-technologies-inc
Launched12 July 2023
Avg rating4.8
Total reviews20

Benefits of Regios Automatic Discounts

Bulk discounts, Cart discounts, Checkout discounts, Custom discounts, Dynamic pricing, Flat discounts, Free shipping, Limited time offers, Percentage discounts, Quantity breaks, Shipping rates, Tiered pricing, Volume discounts, Wholesale pricing
Automations, Currency conversion, Filtering, Geo location, Segmentation, Tagging, Targeting, Triggers and rules

About Regios Automatic Discounts

Gone with the days of giving customers promo codes to receive discounts during birthdays, anniversaries, or to specific groups of customers at checkout.

The discounts automatically apply to customers based on tags & conditions.

Multiple discounts can apply to carts and checkout pages for product collections during product drops.

The discounts can be hidden to shoppers in certain locations, metafields, & more.

Offer wholesale customers special discounts never to be seen by anyone else.

Automatic Discounts for Tagged Customers. No Discount Codes.

Automatic Discounts for Tagged Customers. No Discount Codes.

Shows in Both Cart and Checkout. Discounts work everywhere.

Shows in Both Cart and Checkout. Discounts work everywhere.

Seamless integration with the Discounts Page. Feels native.

Seamless integration with the Discounts Page. Feels native.