
Related Products ‑ Relatify

Show Related Products on any product , visitors always search for different colors and similar style

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App IDrelated-products-more-products-like-this
Vendor IDzoomyapps
Launched19 February 2019
CategoriesRecommended products
Avg rating4.9
Total reviews108

Benefits of Related Products ‑ Relatify

About Related Products ‑ Relatify

  • Now you can create new arrivals slider / grid.
  • You can showcase trending products.
  • Create hot products, featured products slider.
  • You can showcase all widgets (new arrivals, trending products and featured products) on homepage, collection page, product page, blog page, cart page.

You can customize Related Products

  • Number of Related Products in a row
  • Related Products Title , font size and color.
  • Customize price color , vendor color, product type color.
Zooomy Related Products

Zooomy Related Products

Zooomy Related Products

Zooomy Related Products

Zooomy Related Products

Zooomy Related Products