
O:Request a Quote ‑ Hide Price

Hide price and get quote from customers with Request A Quote button & inquiry form

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App IDrequest-for-quote-by-omega
Vendor IDquote-snap
Launched27 August 2019
CategoriesCustom pricing and quotes
Avg rating4.9
Total reviews426

Benefits of O:Request a Quote ‑ Hide Price

About O:Request a Quote ‑ Hide Price

Quote Snap adds a “Request A Quote” button on product & collection page via your website. When customers click on the button, a Request Quote form will appear. Customers can suggest price upon request and enter their inquiry in this form. Once the form is submitted, you will get a notification email. You can also convert a quote to PDF & order. This app also helps you to hide price & Add To Cart button for specific products or all products.

quote snap hide price on all page by contact form

quote snap hide price on all page by contact form

quote snap request a quote button, get quote on all page

quote snap request a quote button, get quote on all page

quote snap customize request quote form to get quote

quote snap customize request quote form to get quote