SHOPLOCK Login Required

Control access to your eCommerce store. Lock website sections. Unlock content with passcode.

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App IDrequired-login-for-customers
Vendor IDthemagecomp
Launched29 April 2022
CategoriesSecurity - Other Accounts and login Restrict access Hide content Lock pages Password protection Custom rules
Avg rating4.4
Total reviews20

Benefits of SHOPLOCK Login Required

Encourage people to sign in to view locked website content.
Hide website content from unauthorized visitors.
Passcode mechanism to keep the store content safe from spammers & bots.
Lock as many products, collections & webpages as you want.
Lock content based on customer segments/tags.

About SHOPLOCK Login Required

Easily manage access to your store content by applying locks. Hide content from unauthorized visitors from accessing the restricted content. Encourage them to sign in to view the locked sections. The admin can set passcodes to conceal certain website sections. Allow customers of specific customer segments to access the restricted part by sharing passcodes with them. Maintain store security & confidentiality by setting locks on website products, collections & CMS pages.

Restricting product pages

Restricting product pages

Restricting collection pages

Restricting collection pages

Restricting custom web pages

Restricting custom web pages